Searching the Scriptures Studies

Insight for Living Ministries’ Searching the Scriptures studies are designed to accompany each of our daily broadcasts. Formerly known as Message Mates, these expanded, substantive, and in-depth interactive studies based on the Bible-teaching ministry of Chuck Swindoll will challenge you to dig deeply into the fortifying nutrients of God’s Word.Based on Chuck’s book Searching the Scriptures: Find the Nourishment Your Soul Needs, each Searching the Scriptures study unpacks Chuck’s lifelong process of studying the Scriptures—digging deeply into each biblical passage’s cultural, historical, and theological contexts, and then presenting the lessons learned.

Each study is available as a downloadable PDF you can use for future study.

Previously released Message Mates are still available for use when studying the series they correspond with. Click on the appropriate tab below to find the right study tool for each series.

Current Searching the Scriptures Studies

The full set of Searching the Scriptures studies for Laugh Again: Experience Outrageous Joy can be downloaded here. If you would like to download individual Searching the Scriptures studies for each message visit our Current Broadcast page.