Gândeşte-te la o dimineaţă obişnuită de-a ta. După ce te dai jos din pat, probabil nu trece mult timp până când ajungi să te uiţi în oglindă. Dacă îmi semeni, atunci în majoritatea zilelor părul tău arată ca o explozie într-o fabrică de saltele, chipul tău este asemenea unuia dintre cei şapte pitici, iar respiraţia […]
Read MoreCategory Archives: Bible
For Bible Teachers
Do you teach the Bible? If so, that’s great. No other calling is more needed or carries with it greater responsibility. My advice? Study hard. Pray for insight. Be accurate with facts. Be clear in your delivery. Take your time. Relive and imagine those scenes.
Read MoreFunny Truth
Maybe I’m weird, but there are times the Bible makes me laugh. I mean really laugh. The older I get and the more comfortable I feel in the Book, the more I find times when a smiling response is not only appropriate, it’s expected.
Read MoreTools
Remember that time you got ticked off trying to find a verse in the Bible and couldn’t? That was almost as bad as the day you decided to read a couple of chapters and got hung up on “Nazirite” . . . or scratched your head over “cubit.” These are like hardened, glazed coverings that suddenly obscure our understanding of God’s truth. The pick and shovel of good intentions simply will not cut through. Sharper tools than that are needed, believe me!
Read MoreSomething Old
There is something grand about old things that are still in good shape. Old furniture, rich with the patina of age and history, is far more intriguing than the modern stuff. When you sit on it or eat off it or sleep in it, your mind pictures those in previous centuries who did the same in a world of candlelight, oil lamps, buggies, and potbelly stoves. Each scrape or dent holds a story you wish you knew.
Read MoreBiblical Facts about Rewards, Part 2
Based on 1 Corinthians 3:10–14, I see three facts about our eternal rewards for serving God. Let’s review the first two facts I mentioned yesterday, and then I’ll complete the list with the third.
Read MoreBiblical Facts about Rewards, Part 1
Scripture not only supports the idea of eternal rewards, it spells out the specifics. In 1 Corinthians 3:10–14, I find three primary facts about rewards. We’ll look at the first two today and complete the list tomorrow.
Read MoreSuffering for Doing What Is Right
As you serve people in ministry, you will give, forgive, forget, release your own will, obey God to the maximum, and wash dirty feet with an attitude of gentleness and humility. And after all those beautiful things, you will get ripped off occasionally. Knowing all this ahead of time will help “improve your serve,” believe me.
Read MoreThe Truth Perspective
A brief examination of Psalm 119 reveals benefits gained by those who absorb the Word. Let’s put three of them, wisdom, insight, and understanding,to the test by looking at a case study.
Let’s imagine you recently got a job that has proven to be less than you expected. You prayed for employment, then, lo and behold, this job opened up. You were grateful. After a few weeks, however, you have found that the working . . .
Read MoreGod’s Word the Cure
As I glance over Psalm 119:98–100, I see three benefits gained by those who absorb the Word: wisdom, insight, and understanding.
Wisdom is the ability to look at life and its difficulties from God’s point of view. As I learn more of the Word of God and begin to get a grasp of its practical principles, I also gain the ability to look at life from a heavenly, eternal viewpoint.
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