For Bible Teachers

Do you teach the Bible? If so, that’s great. No other calling is more needed or carries with it greater responsibility. My advice? Study hard. Pray for insight. Be accurate with facts. Be clear in your delivery. Take your time. Relive and imagine those scenes.

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Funny Truth

Maybe I’m weird, but there are times the Bible makes me laugh. I mean really laugh. The older I get and the more comfortable I feel in the Book, the more I find times when a smiling response is not only appropriate, it’s expected.

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His Workmanship

Sometimes fundamentalists can be the ugly ducklings of Christendom. We sometimes clothe the infinite riches of Christ in unattractive rags! As a result, the treasure of Truth is tainted and cheapened by the way it is presented to the public.

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Gut-Level Authenticity

In 1991 James Patterson and Peter Kim released The Day America Told the Truth, a study based on an extensive opinion survey which guaranteed the anonymity of its participants. And the truth was shocking! Let me give you a brief sampling of their findings . . .

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A severe case of ingrown eyeballs strikes all of us every once in a while. In both dramatic and subtle ways, the stubborn enemy of our souls whispers sweet little nothings in our ears. He reminds us of how unappreciated and ill-treated we are . . . how important yet overlooked . . . how gifted yet ignored . . . how capable yet unrecognized . . . how bright yet eclipsed . . . how valuable yet unrewarded.

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Solomon seized the reins of wrong and drove his glistening chariot of gold onto the misty flats of licentiousness, pride, lust, profanity, and paganism. Silently, gradually, like eroding soil near the banks of a deep, angry river, he began to believe the lie that has captured many a top executive . . . or super salesperson . . . or successful physician . . . or athletic prima donna . . . or film star . . . or TV celebrity.

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Un copac ce oferă adăpost

Cu puțin înainte de moartea lui, Samuel Taylor Coleridge a scris „Youth and Age” („Tinerețea și vârsta”) în care reflecta asupra anilor săi trecuți și asupra puterii pe care o avea în anii tinereții. Pentru mine, rândul cel mai emoționant din această carte neobișnuită este următoarea afirmație: „Prietenia este ca un copac ce oferă adăpost…” […]

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