We don’t hear much about gumption anymore. Too bad, since we need it more than ever these days. I was raised on gumption (my parents also called it “spizzerinctum”)—as were my own children, especially when I was trying to motivate them.
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A Place to Unload
Being imperfect doesn’t help. Every so often we make stupid decisions. We say things we wish we could retrieve. Selfishly, we look out for number one and later regret it. We act impulsively and realize, after the fact, how foolish we were, how dumb we looked. On top of all that, we hurt the ones we love the most. All this stuff caves in on us at certain times, and we wonder how anybody could ever love us . . . especially God.
Read MoreTruth or Consequences
From all those I have confronted, dealt with, or heard about who have fallen into sexual impurity, two paths led them astray. The first is subtle deception. This is an almost passive series of thoughts which include rationalization, ignoring the warnings of a sensitive conscience, the consistent erosion of one’s walk with Christ, and tolerating things that were once intolerable.
Read MoreGiving Yourself Permission
Back when I was in grade school, it was always a special treat when the teacher gave the class permission to do something unusual. I remember one hot and humid Houston afternoon when she gave everyone permission to go barefoot after lunch. We got to pull off our socks, stick ’em in our sneakers, and wiggle our toes all we wanted to. During the afternoon recess that extra freedom added great speed to our softball game on the playground.
Read MoreHandwriting
There is nothing quite like the charm and personal touch conveyed by a handwritten note. Since our penmanship, like our fingerprint, is altogether unique, each curve of the letter or stroke of the pen bears its own originality. There is personality and warmth and, yes, special effort too; for, after all, it’s much more efficient to click on the PC, bang out a few lines on the keyboard, and print it.
Read MoreThe Real Thing
I didn’t know what it was exactly that first drew me to Bob. More than anything else, I guess, there was something refreshingly unpretentious about him. He was devoted to the things of the Lord, no question, but it was never on parade, never for the purpose of public display. And I loved that.
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It’s easy to get confused these days. “Out of control” isn’t what we want to be. People who drink too much are said to be “out of control.” Those who worry too much become emotionally “out of control.” The same goes for those who go too far with anything: prescription drugs, food, fitness, sex, work—you name it.
Read MoreThree Promises Regarding Our Faithfulness
In several places through the New Testament, there are statements of promise from God to faithful servants. I’m thinking of three in particular. . .
Read MoreThree Basic Ingredients of Servanthood
The Word of God lays a solid, biblical foundation for what it means to have a servant mentality. But let’s get some handles on what’s involved in pulling it off. For starters, let me suggest three basic ingredients of servanthood: giving, forgiving, and forgetting.
Read MoreZiua Judecății
„Cartea Vieții” este un concept din Noul Testament cu rădăcini adânci în Vechiul Testament ( Exod 32:32-33; Daniel 12:12; Maleahi 3:16). Credincioșii din vremurile Vechiului Testament erau salvați de har, prin credință, dacă onorau vechiul legământ. Când Isus a inițiat un nou legământ, le-a spus ucenicilor: „ …bucuraţi-vă că numele voastre sunt scrise în ceruri.”” […]
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