Saints in Circulation

During the reign of Oliver Cromwell, the British government began to run low on silver for coins. Lord Cromwell sent his men to the local cathedral to see if they could find any precious metal there. After investigating they reported: “The only silver we can find is in the statues of the saints standing in the corners.”

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Nostalgic Musings

For over an hour the other day I strolled down Nostalgia Lane with a September 4, 1939, copy of Time magazine. What a journey! Pickups sold for $465 and best-selling books cost $2. Big news in the music world was Bing Crosby, whose records sold for 35 cents a platter. What was most intriguing, however, was the international scene, as presented by the staff writers. The threat of war was a slumbering giant, and Adolf Hitler’s name appeared on almost every page of the Foreign News section.

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Călăuzirea neobișnuită a lui Dumnezeu

Acum aproape 2000 de ani, Iosif și Maria călătoreau spre Betleem. Aproximativ 2040 de ani înainte, Iacov și Rahela, un alt cuplu care aștepta un copil, călătorea spre sud pe același drum. Rahela a dat naștere lui Beniamin, însă a murit imediat după naștere și astfel, Iacov a îngropat-o aproape de Betleem. (Genesa 35:19) Moarteà […]

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