Once a spider built a beautiful web in an old house. He kept it clean and shiny so that flies would patronize it. The minute he got a “customer” he would clean up after him so the other flies would not get suspicious. Then one day this fairly intelligent fly came buzzing by the clean spiderweb. Old man spider called out, “Come in and sit.” But the fairly intelligent fly said, “No sir, I don’t see other flies in your house, and I am not going in alone!”
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Satanic Rip-Off
A basketball fan at the Portland airport awaited the arrival of the Trailblazers following a victory over the Lakers and attempted to scalp a couple of tickets to the next game. As the shyster wormed through the crowd, he located a well-dressed man who listened to his offer.
Read MoreAccommodating
I don’t know anyone who would build a summer home at the base of Mount Vesuvius, and it would be tough trying to get campers to pitch their tents where Big Foot had been spotted. No family I know is interested in vacationing in a houseboat up the Suez Canal.
Read MoreThe Forgotten Side of Success
Face it; we live in a success-saturated society. Right next to the books applauding our selfishness are dozens of bestsellers telling us how we can be more successful. Dozens of books and magazines every year, along with scores of DVDs and hundreds of seminars, offer new ideas and new motivation techniques that have the promise of prosperity. Success is big business. No wonder thinking like servants is so hard.
Read MoreCrowns God Sets Aside for His Servants, Part 2
Yesterday, we began our look at five eternal “crowns” set aside for God’s servants. After listing the first three crowns again, I’ll add the final two and offer a brief explanation of each.
Read MoreSuffering for Doing What Is Right
As you serve people in ministry, you will give, forgive, forget, release your own will, obey God to the maximum, and wash dirty feet with an attitude of gentleness and humility. And after all those beautiful things, you will get ripped off occasionally. Knowing all this ahead of time will help “improve your serve,” believe me.
Read MoreA Realistic Appraisal of Serving Others
There isn’t a person reading these words who hasn’t had the tables turned. All of us have had the unhappy and unfortunate experience of doing what is right, yet we suffered for it. And we have also done what is wrong on a few occasions without being punished.
Read MoreThree Realms of True Success
Yesterday, we looked at the apostle Peter’s three crucial realms related to true success: authority, attitude, and anxiety. Let’s translate those realms into practical principles. You could think of them in steps, one building upon another.
Read MoreDe ce poți avea încredere în Biblie?
Care este autoritatea absolută în viața ta? Înaintea de a răspunde repede, gândește-te câteva secunde. Atunci când ești pus la colț, când te confrunți cu obstacole intimidante, când ești obligat să faci față realității, pe cine sau ce te bazezi? Nu poate exista o autoritate mai de încredere pe Pământ decât Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu, Biblia. […]
Read More„Ești sigur, Doamne?”
În ultima vreme, fiul meu, Jonathan, a început să-mi pună o anumită întrebare aproape după fiecare lucru pe care îl spun. Întreabă ce îl interesează și după răspunsul meu vine cu întrebarea: „Ești sigură?” „Mami, pot să mă duc afară?” „Sigur că da.” „Ești sigură?” „Da.” „Mami, pot să mănânc micul dejun?” „Bineînțeles! Poftă bună!” […]
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