Wanted: Thinkers

Entertainment is everything today. So important, in fact, that we have television programs and magazines devoted solely to the subject. All of which makes it real difficult to be committed to substance rather than the superficial. This includes reading widely, probing deeply, seeing with discernment, rejecting the false, learning the facts. In short, thinking!

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My Advice This Christmas

Who hasn’t cringed in early October as stores drag out the artificial Christmas trees and put them on display? Who doesn’t dread the extra traffic and the gaggle of people in the shopping malls when you have to go get something that has nothing to do with Christmas? Who hasn’t felt uneasy about the obligatory exchange of gifts with individuals you hardly know? Or sending Christmas cards to people you haven’t written to since the last Christmas card you sent them?

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Be Gracious

Paul deals with the value of being gracious in your Christian walk in 1 Thessalonians 2:7–11: “But we proved to be gentle among you, as a nursing mother tenderly cares for her own children. Having so fond an affection for you, we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become very dear to us.

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De ce poți avea încredere în Biblie?

Care este autoritatea absolută în viața ta? Înaintea de a răspunde repede, gândește-te câteva secunde. Atunci când ești pus la colț, când te confrunți cu obstacole intimidante, când ești obligat să faci față realității, pe cine sau ce te bazezi? Nu poate exista o autoritate mai de încredere pe Pământ decât Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu, Biblia. […]

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O transfuzie de speranță

Paștele și speranța sunt sinonime. Ziua aceasta specială aduce cu ea, de fiecare dată, gândul înviorător care ne aduce din nou aminte că există viață după cea pe care o trăim acum. Viața adevărată. Viața veșnică. O viață glorioasă. Cei care trăiesc „la periferia” speranței, ca să spunem așa, au nevoie de o transfuzie. Paștele le oferă asta. […]

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