The Greatest Influence

Several years ago someone interviewed the contemporary artist Marc Chagall for a PBS program. The young, arty interviewer started the session with a question about influences. His question was very long and involved and exhibited his own learning along the way, giving everybody, including Chagall, a lecture on the nature of influences on the artist.

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Graduation Thoughts

You—or someone you know—may soon be graduating. I extend my congratulations! Whether you set new academic records or not, you finished. You saw it through. I commend you. Before that happens, however, let me give you four simple commandments that apply to anyone who is graduating. My thoughts grow out of the final four verses of 2 Timothy 3.

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Remember that time you got ticked off trying to find a verse in the Bible and couldn’t? That was almost as bad as the day you decided to read a couple of chapters and got hung up on “Nazirite” . . . or scratched your head over “cubit.” These are like hardened, glazed coverings that suddenly obscure our understanding of God’s truth. The pick and shovel of good intentions simply will not cut through. Sharper tools than that are needed, believe me!

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Good Will Come

As a pastor, counselor, and seminary chancellor, I have often found myself in an unpopular spot. An individual who has come to me pours out his or her soul. And God very clearly leads me to confront or point out a few specifics that the person finds rather painful to hear, not to mention accept.

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Dealing with Disrespect and Resentment

A man named Naaman was a high-ranking Syrian soldier. He was influential, wealthy, proud—a man of dignity, courage, patriotism, and military clout. There was only one problem: the man had leprosy. Through a chain of interesting events, Naaman was led to Elisha for cleansing from his dread disease (2 Kings 5:1–14).

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A Critical Appraisal of Our Times

Need a picture of just how hopeless and empty society really is? Just glance over 2 Timothy 3. Within the first thirteen verses, I find three undeniable descriptions of our world: difficult, depraved, and deceived.

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De ce poți avea încredere în Biblie?

Care este autoritatea absolută în viața ta? Înaintea de a răspunde repede, gândește-te câteva secunde. Atunci când ești pus la colț, când te confrunți cu obstacole intimidante, când ești obligat să faci față realității, pe cine sau ce te bazezi? Nu poate exista o autoritate mai de încredere pe Pământ decât Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu, Biblia. […]

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Fundamentele biblice pentru încurajare

Porțiunea din Scriptură la care vreau să ne uităm astăzi, este Evrei capitolul 10. Pe parcursul întregii epistole, reflectorul este pus pe Isus Hristos, Cel Superior. El a deschis pentru noi un drum nou, dătător de viață, către Tatăl. Nu suntem nevoiți să trecem printr-un sistem de fapte. Nu avem nevoie de ajutorul unei persoane […]

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