Easter and hope are synonymous. That special day never arrives without its refreshing reminder that there is life beyond this one. True life. Eternal life. Glorious life. Those who live on what we might call “the outskirts of hope” need a transfusion. Easter gives it.
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Ragged Rocks of Adversity
Try to make time this weekend to read the entire book of Job, for only then do you really see the true extent of Job’s honest dealings with God and his steadfast faith in the face of adversity.
Read MoreHandling Adversity
Step into the time tunnel with me, and let’s travel together back to Uz (not the wizard of, but the land of). Wherever it was, Uz had a citizen who was respected by everyone. Why? Because he was blameless, upright, God-fearing, and clean living. He had ten children, thousands of head of livestock, acres and acres of land, a great many servants, and a substantial stack of cash.
Read MoreGod Incomprehensible
Lost in the silent solitude of recent days, I have been impressed anew with the vast handiwork of our incomprehensible God. The psalmist was correct: The heavens do indeed tell of the glory of God . . . their expanse does indeed declare the work of His hands (Ps. 19:1).
Read MoreTwo Truths for Coping with Suffering
I have found great help from two truths God gave me at a time in my life when I was bombarded with a series of unexpected and unfair blows (from my perspective). In my darkest hours, these principles become my anchor of stability, my only means of survival. Afflicted, confused, persecuted, and rejected in that situation, I claimed these two truths and held on to them like wild waves, strong winds, and pounding rain grabbing hold of the mast of a ship at sea.
Read MoreGod’s Faithfulness amidst Our Confusion
Elie Wiesel gives readers a tragic perspective on the horror of the holocaust. Wiesel’s book, Night, will grab you and not let you go. In terse, tightly packed sentences, he describes those scenes and his own confusion as he witnessed (in his teenage years) a chapter of life we would prefer to erase.
Read MoreBucuria generozității
Când realizăm cât de vaste sunt resursele noastre divine, când recunoaștem că bogățiile cerești eterne sunt darul Lui pentru noi, nu vom fi zârciți cu lucrurile pe care le avem. Din contră, vom fi dornici și liberi de a le împărți și cu alții. Pe scurt, vom cunoaște bucuria generozității. O generozitate înrădăcinată într-o mulțumire […]
Read More„Ești sigur, Doamne?”
În ultima vreme, fiul meu, Jonathan, a început să-mi pună o anumită întrebare aproape după fiecare lucru pe care îl spun. Întreabă ce îl interesează și după răspunsul meu vine cu întrebarea: „Ești sigură?” „Mami, pot să mă duc afară?” „Sigur că da.” „Ești sigură?” „Da.” „Mami, pot să mănânc micul dejun?” „Bineînțeles! Poftă bună!” […]
Read MoreO transfuzie de speranță
Paștele și speranța sunt sinonime. Ziua aceasta specială aduce cu ea, de fiecare dată, gândul înviorător care ne aduce din nou aminte că există viață după cea pe care o trăim acum. Viața adevărată. Viața veșnică. O viață glorioasă. Cei care trăiesc „la periferia” speranței, ca să spunem așa, au nevoie de o transfuzie. Paștele le oferă asta. […]
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